Thursday, June 6, 2013

General Diet Recommendations

General Diet Recommendations

Clean, filtered water, green tea
Whole foods
Vegetables (increase raw to tolerance)(organic preferred)
Fruits (organic preferred)
Juicing (mostly vegetables)
Clean lean meats (natural/organic as possible)
Moderate amount of whole grains
Legumes (beans) in moderate amounts
Omega 3 oils (fish, wild game)
Small amounts of fish (avoid farmed fish) (eat large amounts if mercury free)
Fiber (use a variety, different types help in different ways)
Nuts and seeds in moderate amounts (No hydrogenated oils)
Raw, unsalted nuts
Olive oil

Simple carbohydrates (sweets, refined breads/grains/pasta)
Beef, pork, dairy/saturated fats
Vegetable oils (high in omega 6 oils)

White Flour (especially white breads and pasta)
Corn syrup additives (of all sorts) - especially high fructose
Refined/Processed/Packaged foods
Hydrogenated/partially hydrogenated oiled/trans fats
Fast foods/Junk foods
Carbonated beverages, Coffee
Artificial Sweeteners
Food additives, preservatives, dyes
Fried foods
Restaurant food (often has hidden harmful ingredients)
Any food causing a negative reaction/symptom

1. Begin to make changes slowly
2. Whole foods contain nutrients that work together, giving you great synergistic value.  Organic is best.
3. Variety in the diet increases nutrients and decreases allergies.
4. 'Fortified' usually means the food was stripped of valuable nutrients and synthetic vitamins were added back in.
5. "wheat flour" = "white flour".  "whole wheat" should be stated clearly on the label.
6. Use Stevia, Organic Cane Sugar or Raw Organic Honey (in limited amounts) for a sweetener (found at health food stores).
7. Dr. McLaughlin can analyze you for nutritional supplements giving your body additional support.

For more information, or any questions, please visit us at or call 440.942.BACK (2225)

Monday, April 15, 2013

“Which Pothole Did It”?

Willoughby Chiropractic Center
Mentor Avenue and Erie Street
It’s a common question Chiropractic patients have… “Hey doc, what do you
      think did it to me this time?  Is it the way I’m sleeping, or maybe the
      stress at work?”  To tell you the truth, without 24/7 video surveillance
      of your every move, it’s difficult to tell.
      Trying to determine what specific activity created your Subluxations is
      like trying to figure out which pothole in the road knocked your car out
      of alignment.  They all contribute to it.  And driving in fear – worrying
      about every rock, crack and ditch your car travels over, will only stress
      you more. 
      Instead of fretting over every scenario that could throw your spine out of
      alignment, it’s healthier just to get checked and adjusted on a regular
      basis.  Physical, mental and chemical stress is an everyday part of Life. 
      Chiropractic care simply helps you get past all the bumps you’ll
      eventually hit in the road.

      Your local Willoughby/Mentor Chiropractor
      4045 Erie Street
      Willoughby, Oh 44094

Friday, March 29, 2013

Healing Chronic Shoulder Pain

Healing Chronic Shoulder Pain

Chiropractic Care and Rehabilitation of Chronic Pain
Chronic injuries require specific rehabilitation and a long-term approach. Patience is required and it is important to recall that the problem has developed over the course of years and will not be fixed in a matter of weeks or months. Progress should be obtained in the short-term, but such situations usually require consistent, ongoing attention to achieve a long-term solution.
Performing the appropriate rehabilitative activities is critically important and chiropractic care can be of great assistance in getting the most out of your exercise program. Regular chiropractic care improves the mobility of your spinal column and removes nerve interference which may cause tight, inflamed muscles. The result is a body that is optimized for good health and full function. By enabling maximum spinal mobility and maximum function of your nerve system, regular chiropractic care helps maximize your body's ability to recover from chronic injury.

As we get older, years and decades of mechanical stress may lead to deterioration of joints, ligaments, and tendons. This degenerative process, commonly known as arthritis, primarily affects weight-bearing joints such as the hips and knees and those found in the lumbar spine. The shoulder, too, is especially prone to undergo arthritic changes owing to its extreme mobility. The extensive range of motion at the shoulder is built-in to the design of this structure, but the tradeoff is instability. The design of the shoulder sacrifices stability for mobility.

Degenerative disorders of the shoulder typically involve the rotator cuff. This broad, flat structure is composed of the muscle-tendon units of the four rotator cuff muscles: the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor. The thick covering of the rotator cuff surrounds the head of the arm bone and supports and strengthens the shoulder joint. But owing to the shoulder's inherent instability contrasted with its great mobility, the soft tissues of the rotator cuff undergo repetitive stress and strain. Ultimately, degenerative changes may occur, leading to the two prominent symptoms of pain and restricted range of motion.

An entire orthopedic sub-specialty focuses on treatment of chronic shoulder pain and includes long-term use of anti-inflammatory medication, corticosteroid injections when medications do not provide sufficient relief, and eventually surgery to repair tears in the various rotator cuff tendons. "Revision" surgery is commonly performed when the benefits of prior surgery are exhausted.1

The good news is that in many cases, a more optimal approach is available, one that utilizes the body's own natural recuperative powers. For many people, chronic shoulder pain can be reduced and chronic loss of mobility can be improved by engaging in specific activities and performing specific rehabilitative exercises. The goals of rehabilitation are to increase shoulder range of motion and build up shoulder strength. As these goals are accomplished, the likely result is reduction of intensity and frequency of occurrence of shoulder pain.

Engaging in an overall strength training program is an important general approach to managing chronic shoulder pain.2,3 Strength training should be done progressively, starting with light weights and building up over time. Exercises specific to the shoulder include seated dumbbell or barbell presses, dumbbell or cable lateral raises, seated bent-over rows, and internal and external rotation exercises done with very light dumbbells on a flat bench. If one has experienced an acute shoulder injury, early rehabilitation should precede rehabilitative strength training. Early rehabilitation includes pendulum exercises and finger-walking up a wall in both forward-facing and side positions.

Your chiropractor is experienced in injury rehabilitation and will be able to help you design an effective flexibility and strengthening program for improved shoulder function.

1Keener JD: Revision rotator cuff repair. Clin Sports Med 31(4):713-725, 2012
2Lewis JS: A specific exercise program for patients with subacromial impingement syndrome can improve function and reduce the need for surgery. J Physiother 58(2):127, 2012
3Andersen LL, et al: Effectiveness of small daily amounts of progressive resistance training for frequent neck/shoulder pain: randomised controlled trial. Pain 152(2):440-446, 2011

Monday, March 25, 2013

“Checking Your Eggs…”

“Checking Your Eggs…”
How many times have you had a minor fender-bender, or a slip on the ice and never gave
it a
second thought? Maybe your ego was bruised, but you didn't notice any outward signs of
What happened to you on the inside could be a different story.
After a trauma, things may appear fine on the outside, but it doesn't mean they're OK
on the
inside. That's why we open egg cartons and check the contents for hidden damage before
we buy
them. The same goes for your spine after any jolt. What may seem like a minor bump from
outside, could actually create SUBLUXATIONS on the inside. (Misaligned vertebrae that
with nerve function, and silently diminish health)
The solution? Get your spine checked for SUBLUXATIONS after any trauma, no matter how
or small. If your kid takes a tumble down the stairs - get them checked. If your spouse
backs the car
into a fence post - get them checked. If you tripped over the dog on the way to the
refrigerator last
night - get yourself checked too. Life's tough enough without having to live it

Monday, March 18, 2013

“Chiropractic Colored Glasses”

“Chiropractic Colored Glasses”
What does the world look like through Chiropractic colored glasses? Does your health
shine brighter… are your relationships with friends and family more in focus… is your
performance sharper and crisper?
You 'see' everything through your nerve system – how you feel, how you interact with
the people around you, how you perform at home or at work. When your nerves are
stressed, the line between barely existing and fully living is blurred. However, the
clear your nerve system, the better your ability to interact physically, mentally and
tually with the world around you; and ultimately the better your quality of Life.
When a Chiropractor adjusts the stress from your nerve system, it's like cleaning the
dirt, streaks and smudges from the lens through which you interpret your world – and
with a clear lens you can see all your potential. Life is vibrant when you're viewing
through Chiropractic glasses.

From Your Local Willoughby/Mentor Chiropractor
Located at the intersection of Mentor Avenue and Erie Street.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

“Harvard Got it Right…”

At first glance you'd think a Chiropractor was responsible for these words. But they were actually
written by a Harvard medical school instructor in the late 1800's. While this belief is trivialized by the
medical and pharmaceutical community today, it remains the core foundation of the practice of
Chiropractors humbly acknowledge that "the ONLY thing that can heal the body is the Power that
created it.” The wisdom Dr. Cabot refers to in his quote is called Innate Intelligence by
Chiropractors. It is the coordinating force that maintains our body’s health. It knowingly
orchestrates all steps involved in the healing process from mending a broken bone to putting cancer
in remission. It is in favor of you living, rather than you dying.
The most important job of a Chiropractor is to teach you about this great force and keep you
connected to it. If you want to meet the REAL doctor responsible for healing you, take a look in the
mirror. It’s the one staring right back at you.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

“Keeping Your Pathways Clear…”

“Keeping Your Pathways Clear…”
Safe driving is best accomplished when the roadways are clear. When they become congested (as
in the case of the past Northeast blizzard) travel is impossible until someone opens them. The same
can be said for the role of your Chiropractor.
You want to drive from point A to point B = LIVE
The roads are clogged with snow = SUBLUXATED Nerve System
The plow guy plows it clear = Chiropractic ADJUSTMENT
You can go back to driving as usual = LIVING
In the end, the plow guy isn't going to drive you from point A to point B. He can only clear the
roads so you can get there yourself. Chiropractic and healing is NO different.

Your Local Willoughby/Mentor Chiropractor!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Your local Willoughby/Mentor Chiropractor wishes everyone a Happy Valentines Day!

From Your Local Willoughby/Mentor Chiropractor!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

“The Part We Love the Most…”

There’s a lot to love about Chiropractic - the science of nerve system function, the art of adjusting spines back into proper alignment. But the best part is the Principle that supports it all. Physicians address body parts, psychologists analyze thoughts and clergy tend to matters of the spirit. But no one profession addresses all three – your physical health, mental health and spiritual health like Chiropractic. When Chiropractors clear your nerve system with an adjustment, not only does your physical body improve, but so does your mental focus and ability to express your true self. Love is the right adjustment at the right time. While the resolution of pain and restoration of physiologic function are nice side effects of Chiropractic - the thing we love the most is when you become whole again.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Chiropractic is Nutrition for the Brain

“90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine.” -Dr. Roger Sperry Quote

Thursday, February 7, 2013

“X’s, O’s and Principle 6…”

"The Packers never lost a game... they just ran out of time." - Vince Lombardi. Coach Lombardi's quote sums up his unwavering belief in his team's ability to win every game, if given enough time to execute their winning game plan. Chiropractors hold a similar, unwavering belief in your body's innate ability to heal. The 6th Principle in Chiropractic states "there is no process which does not require time," including the healing process. BJ Palmer (the developer of Chiropractic) believed that given enough time and a clear nerve system the body could heal itself in just about any situation. In his mind, the innate wisdom of the body had the potential to win any healing game if just given a chance. This is the foundation of all a successful Chiropractic experiences. If you've been under care for some time and see only minimal results, don't give up. The power that made your body designed all the plays needed to get you healthy and whole again. It won't lose the game if you provide enough time on the clock.

Monday, January 28, 2013

“Einstein Got it Right…”

One of Albert Einstein's famous quotes is "Nothing happens until something moves. When something vibrates, the electrons of the entire universe resonate with it. Everything is connected.” Motion is life... lack of motion is death. It’s a foundational reason why Chiropractors adjust spines - to restore normal motion to joints, mental impulse transmission through nerves and subsequently, Life throughout your entire body. When you become 'connected,' the Life inside you resonates positively to your loved ones, your community and your planet. If Einstein is right, the small act of moving a spine causes the entire universe to resonate with Life and Health – everything gets connected. And that makes the world a better place. “Einstein Got it Right…”

Monday, January 21, 2013

When Your Out Of Tune...

You can't sleep, your energy levels are low and you're finding it harder to make it through your day. The specialists insist there's nothing wrong, but you innately feel like something's out of tune. Maybe it's time to call the Chiropractor. D.D. Palmer, the Father of Chiropractic, recognized that repetitive physical, chemical and emotional stress can alter the normal 'tone' within a person's Nerve System (a.k.a. Subluxation). This persistent irritation can lead to poor physical, mental and emotional performance. The solution? Restore normal tone to the Nerve System with specific, Chiropractic adjustments and better health will naturally follow! Health is the 'music' that plays when all your cells, tissues and organs vibrate perfectly in unison – orchestrated by a finely tuned Nerve System. If you're feeling sluggish, weak and tired, a trip to the Chiropractor is what YOU need to get back in key. “When You’re Out of Tune…” Your local Willoughby/Mentor Chiropractor 440-942-2225 (BACK)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Obamacare and Chiropractic

Many of my patients ask me how their chiropractic coverage is going to be affected by Obamacare. My answer is....uh....I don't know! Last time I heard there are more than 13 thousand pages in this legislation. I just hope that the net result is that the profession does not get taken over by a bunch of stooges.
Obamacare Chiropractic

Monday, January 14, 2013

“Hanging with the RIGHT Crowd”

You've probably set goals to improve your lifestyle and get your health on track in 2013. The
question is, are you hanging out with the right people to succeed?
There's a saying that goes 'if you want to be happy, hang out with happy people.' The same
can be said for being HEALTHY. Ever notice the people who hang out at the Chiropractor's
office? They're generally health conscious and excited about Life. Most of them didn't start off
that way. At some point they decided to maintain their spines like other happy, healthy
Chiropractic clients and eventually became happier and healthier people themselves.
If you're resolved to being more sick, more tired and more medicated, then hang out at your
local pharmacy or hospital. On the other hand, if you're committed to renewing your health
and improving your Life in 2013, then spend more time with people who can get you there.
We'll be hanging out at the Chiropractor's office.
“Hanging with the RIGHT Crowd”
Willoughby Chiropractic Center
Your Willoughby/Mentor Chiropractor

Monday, January 7, 2013

From your local Willoughby/Mentor Chiropractor

"Take me with you mom to see Dr. Patrick McLaughlin"

Chiropractor -“Hey Mary, where are your kids?” Mary -“I left them at home, they don’t
have any back pain…” Chiropractor - “That might be true, but do they have Subluxations?

Studies show that stress from the birth process alone is enough to produce pediatric
Subluxations – subtle, yet significant vertebral misalignments which alter normal nerve function
in children. And don't forget the stress they experience from falling off bikes, rough housing
with siblings or just trying to fit in at school. Kids are inherently Subluxation prone!
If you bring your kids to the dentist for preventative maintenance as soon as they get teeth, it
only makes sense you bring them to the Chiropractor as soon as they get a spine. In other
words, don’t leave them at home… get them checked EARLY and REGULARLY for
Subluxations. You’re investing in their spinal health and their life when you do..
"Forget Someone at Home?”
Willoughby Chiropractic Center
From your local Willoughby/Mentor Chiropractor

Friday, January 4, 2013

Purification and Detoxification

Just imagine your body is a factory that is working 24 hours a day 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It needs a break! It needs help to clear out the mess, to sweep out the factory, to clean up the “machinery....” That is what the Purification Program does. Clear out toxins and improve the function of your organs so they can do a better job for you the rest of the yea...r. Some of the results you will see includes: decrease blood pressure, decrease cholesterol, weight loss, increase energy, better digestion, sleep better, increase memory and brain clarity, better skin, hair, teeth, nails and more. We will be doing a free class up at the Willoughby Fire Department on Tuesday, January 29th. It is open to the public, however, seating will be limited. Our last class was full last time so call 440-942-2225 to reserve a spot. Also, everyone who attends will be included in a raffle for a cleanse kit valued at $253.00. Hope to see you there!!!
Your Willoughby/Mentor Chiropractor. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Your Mentor Willoughby Chiropractor

“Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food.” -Hippocrates